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Single Order Form - Medical Supplies

Note: This order form is applicable only for individual orders. For bulk orders or orders of more than two the same item(s) please use the free formatted Order Form on the right side panel or click here.

Subject: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
E-mail Address: *
Street Address: *
Address Line 2:
City/Town: *
Province: *
Postal Code: *
Type of Merchandise to Order: *
Items to Order
Alcohol Lamp
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer - ALP K2 Japan
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer - Baxtel Taiwan
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer - Optimum China
Aneroid Sphygmomanometer - 3M
Baby Scale/ Spring Balance
Cord Clamp
Cotton Applicator
Cotton Balls
Cotton Canister
Face Mask
Face Towel
Gauze Bandage
Glass Slide
Hot Water Bag
Ice Bag
Kidney Basin
Medicine Cup
Medicine Dropper
Medicine Tray
Needle G19
Needle G22
Needle G23
Needle G25
Oral Thermometer
OS Dressing 2x4
OS Dressing 4x4
Penlight with Battery
Rectal Thermometer
Rubber Aspirator
Specimen Bottle
Stethoscope - ALPK2 Japan
Stethoscope - Baxtel Taiwan
Stethoscope - China
Stethoscope - 3M
Surgical Gloves
Surgical Tape
Syringe 1 cc
Syringe 3 cc
Syringe 5 cc
Tape Measure
Test Tube - 10 ml
Test Tube - 5 ml
Test Tube Holder
Tongue Depressor
Transpore Tape
Laboratory Gown - Small
Laboratory Gown - Medium
Laboratory Gown - Large
Laboratory Gown - Extra Large
O.R. Gown
Scrub Suit Plain - Small
Scrub Suit Plain - Medium
Scrub Suit Plain - Large
Scrub Suit Colored - Small
Scrub Suit Colored - Medium
Scrub Suit Colored - Large
Surgical Cap
Alcohol Swab
Other Orders
By submitting this form, you hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth by LG Medical Supplies.

* Required