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Bulk Order Form - SHIRTS

Reminder: For order on colored shirts, only one color can be placed in this form. For orders of different colors, please contact us.

Subject: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
E-mail Address: *
Street Address: *
Address Line 2:
City/Town: *
Province: *
Postal Code: *
Type of Merchandise to Order: *
Type of T-ShirtsPlain White
Plain Colored
No. of Plain White SMALL Shirt
No. of Plain White MEDIUM Shirt
No. of Plain White LARGE Shirt
No. of Plain White EXTRA LARGE Shirt
For Colored Shirts
No. of Colored SMALL Shirt (The color that is referred here is the color you have provided above)
No. of Colored MEDIUM Shirt (The color that is referred here is the color you have provided above)
No. of Colored LARGE Shirt (The color that is referred here is the color you have provided above)
No. of Colored EXTRA LARGE Shirt (The color that is referred here is the color you have provided above)
Other Orders / Special Instruction / Message
By submitting this form, you hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth by LG Medical Supplies.

* Required